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How do I make a Roll Call Complaint?

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How do I make a Roll Call Complaint?
 To report a non-emergency Roll Call Complaint, email or call the local District. What is the phone number to my local Police district?

You Should Know:
Roll Call Complaints
are any non-emergency problem or condition that should be reported to the Police Patrol Force.

Further Information:
Roll Call Complaints
provide a means for informing patrol officers of constant neighborhood problems or conditions that are not of an emergency nature.

Examples: Reporting groups of disorderly teens that routinely congregate on local street corners; informing the police department of special community events so that officers can provide additional security.

You may remain anonymous, however, if you choose to do so the police will not be able to contact you for additional information that might aid them in attaining a long-term solution to this problem and may delay their efforts to resolve the problem in a satisfactory manner. If you provide them with your identity, they will treat it as confidential information and will not disclose it outside this agency except as required and permitted by law.
Once the police receive the report, it is posted on a complaint board that is routinely read to officers during six daily roll calls for a minimum of 15 calendar days. 
TitleHow do I make a Roll Call Complaint?
URL NameRoll-Call-Complaints-1400584965556



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